Backlink now is like a vote for your keyword to host the top ranking position of Google. The purpose is to increase the number of views from users to your website. If you know how to do high-quality backlink effectively, you will have an overwhelming advantage over the competition in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) process .
However, a sad reality that most SEOs are linking bluffly at every forum and social network. It causes keyword rankings to run down significantly.
So I will guide 2 useful ways to create backlinks for you to apply.
To understand the implementation and analysis in this article, you should have a good knowledge of Ahrefs’ metrics.
So what will you do when you don’t have any market relationships, SEO knowledge in your field, but still build quality and sustainable backlinks over time?
Keep patient to read the following information.
Analyze the competitor

Consider how your competitor does means you will dig a treasure of gold from them.
For instance, you need SEO to top the keyword “SEO services”. Then you see that there are top 10 websites in Google ranking as the main opponent.

For example, I choose to analyze.
You copy this website to ahrefs. The purpose is to see the number of backlinks and referring domain of rank the top.
What you should do here is to find backlinks that are likely related to your niche and it can be obtained (from forums, websites, blog comments, guest posts …).
To have a good knowledge about backlink, even if it is a forum and how strong it affects your rankings. As well as how much quality backlink you will spend time, effort and cost to build.
First of all, you need to understand what quality backlinks are and what the backlink trend is in 2020.
Because in this SEO 2020 trend, website relevance is given on top priority by Google. So the first thing you need to do when analyzing your opponent’s website is to find backlinks.
Backlinks are taken from related websites and we don’t need to worry about the strength of it.
It doesn’t matter whether the backlink is dofollow or nofollow, as well as strength or weakness. What matters is the relevance, relevance and relevance in your field!

That is the current SEO trend. After the search is completely done, I begin to consider where I can get backlinks from among the links that I earn.
Of course, you can not only earn forum links. Sometimes it’s the blog comment backlinks or links from websites that give you other great guest posts.
Fortunately, you can do the same for your remaining opponents on Google. Or you even just need to search for another related keyword, for example “website SEO service“. So now you are again taking a few other websites to analyze.
Finally you earn a lot of related backlinks for yourself already!
More resources: Guide to create quality link from blog comment
How to set up super quality backlink in 2022
Now, It’s time to show you the second way.
This approach does not show you only about relevance in backlinks. It also helps you create incredibly strong backlinks. And can even pull thousands of traffic to your website in a short time. (Of course, creating these backlinks will be harder and even harder for other fields).
Look for experts in your field.

This extremely interesting way can help you easily build quality backlinks as well as relevant to the business sector of the website. This makes your marketing and your business grow rapidly.
Take my SEO marketplace as an example.
Now, I want to get backlinks with the same field as SEO. For instance, SEO is a niche market, we look for a broader market. The market that includes it is digital marketing, website marketing, or even the business sector.
That means I can get links from other digital marketing websites. It also affects very well the ranking of our website on search engines. But of course it would be a lot better if I could get the link on another website!
I’m just making this example for those of you who are working in difficult markets. For example, “kill termite” or “laser cutter” or “treadmill” knows the direction to develop. Thanks to that, it is possible to get the most relevant and best links.
Assume that website X is a quality website that I extremely appreciate. There must be several tens to several hundred thousand traffic each month. Getting backlink from this site is beneficial because:
- It is related to SEO (though not related).
- It is a quality authority website
- Lots of people search and follow this site
Next, look at the left footer of the screen, find the Linked domains in Ahrefs section and click.
Linked domain may show you this website X is backlinking to other websites.
If there is an article on the site X introduce me. A large amount of affiliate traffic from that website will point to my website.
This approach will require you to spend more time on research. And the results are also extremely deserving.
Here, you need to think about what valuable content you are able to offer the website’s owner. Thanks to that they can build backlink links to your website. Don’t think about what value you’ll gain from them.
For example, I want to know what website X needs, what field is related to. From that I will share an article with valuable content for not only website X but also with readers of the web about that field.
This will make website X ready to post and share my articles on their website. And give you a backlink that links the article about your website.
This proves that I will get my backlink article back to my page if I could share something about blogging, online business, to provide and build value to website X.
And then I will choose the suitable format between sharing articles or an interview appointment.
Note: You should look for an affiliate link that leads to a particular article rather than a link pointing to the homepage. Because these links will often lead to a reputable page or the page of the website owner.
Depending on these specific articles you can know what field you should provide articles about. And how that field brings equivalent value to the owner of that website.
Then you write the article and send it to the web owner. Express your wishes about sharing useful content to readers of that website. With such sincerity, they will surely accept to share your article.
All above are two methods I often use to find quality backlinks and related to the SEO field for my website without worrying about being penalized by Google algorithm.
All above guides are experienced from eFox Solution and gathered from many sources. We hope that you can have more knowledge about the high quality backlink and this will help your work. Hope everyone will be successful, see you in the next articles.
Don’t forget to share this useful information with another person!
If you wish to hire reliable external SEO services, contact us right away at eFox Solution.
More resources:
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