Have you ever felt tedious and bored to repeat the same method of link building day by day, which is linking forums?
I’m definitely sure 90% of you feel that it is a very boring job. And you certainly know that it also does not bring too much effectiveness for your SEO project. So why are you so stuck in this quagmire?
Everyone knows the reason, right?
- You are too lazy to learn, too lazy to get used to something new.
- You just like easy-to-do, easy-to-get link methods.
Backlinks from common forums are very easy to obtain. Just sign up for an account, post and insert links, It’s too simple, right?
Yes, it is obviously simple that you only need to teach a child a few simple steps so that they can do it yourself.
Do you know you are working as a robot, day in and out, so are your opponents?
It’s not kidding, 10 Vietnamese websites are being SEO, then 9-10 sites are all going to link forums, in accordance with the nature of spam (do you deny that you write a blog post and copy and paste it intact or spin, then post it on dozens of other forums?).
Of course, I also know that there are a lot of friends who just go to the forum link and are still on top. But are you sure it’s safe later when the forums are being scrutinized by Big G and ready to kick you out at any time?
And my purpose today is to share with you another quality link building method. It is neither new nor old, and certainly, not everyone who does SEO knows and is fluent.
What is a blog comment?
It’s just a simple action on a blog by leaving your comment.

The interface of the comment will look like this.
To send a blog comment, you need to enter Name, Comment Content and Email. They all are required. Also, you can enter the link to your Website, this is the way we use to get the blog comment backlink with the anchor text that is the Name you use in the Name box.

There are many ways to make blog comments, maybe using auto tools like GSA, Senuke … etc, but I am sure that when using the tool, you will not be able to get quality links, the main links are from spam sites and poor quality.
WordPress is no longer the WP of a few years ago. WP currently has a very good spam prevention mechanism.
So what is the purpose of the blog comment?

There are many purposes when you start a blog comment campaign. Here are the 4 main positive elements of blog comment:
- Variety anchor text, variety Ref domain
- Balance the ratio of the link dof / nof
- Increase trust of your site in the eyes of Big G
- Increase your keyword rankings through increasing relevance
This article is geared towards WHITE HAT Blog Comment more. This means you will do it entirely by hand, so it will take a lot of work to receive a quality link. Of course, work hard gets high quality
Use some Google Dork to search blog comments with the syntax:
keyword + “dork”
You should comment your blog on related blogs, so you should translate the keyword you are SEO into English and search google keyword English + “dork”. Or topic + “dork”.
Topic here is the topic that covers the content of your website, for example the site about selling vegetables, the topic will be “gardening” or “cooking” or “health” for example.
You can also completely find a Vietnamese blog to comment on. Not necessarily English blog.
“Add New Comment”
“add a comment”
“Leave a comment”
‘Leave a Reply’ ‘Name “(required)”‘ ‘Mail (will not be published) “(required)”‘ ‘Website’
“Reply or Comment”
“Post new comment”
“Add Comment”
“Write a comment” “respond to post”
“Leave a Reply”
“Comments (You may use HTML tags for style)”
“Post a Comment:”
“Comments: (You may use HTML tags for style)”
“Leave a new comment”
“Comment on the Post”
“Enter your comment:”
“Comments on this entry:”
“post a comment”
“Notify me when new comments are posted”
“Notify me of followup comments via e-mail”
“Enter this code to prove you are not a robot:”
“Post Comment”
Some notes before building quality link with blog comment

- Full Gravatar setup. Always use REAL NAME when commenting, never enter any keyword in Name. This will give the blog owner a certain amount of trust.
- Do not insert a link in the comment body because it is like you are telling the blog owner that you are SEO, you comment to get the link here.
- Read through the article before commenting, if you are not fluent in English, you can use google translate through the article, read and pick out the main content of the article to see what it is about
You need to comment so that it is the most relevant to the article’s content. Maybe a compliment, ask a question, etc. The rate of its blog owner approval is very high. Use personal words like: I think, In my opinion ..
- You can use Grammarly to check your mistakes before sending comments.
- Find out who the blog owner is, what the name is and send their greetings to them at the top of each comment.
More resources:
What is SEO? Why need SEO in your website?
Criteria to evaluate quality websites when building quality link with blog comment

- That website should be a real blog, which means that the blog is not created as satellite SEO for other websites.
- There are indexes of DA, TF not too low (Just> 10 is okay)
- The current comments on that blog mostly meet the NOTES as I mentioned above. If you see that most of them are spam comments, skip them immediately.
- At least your Website is the same as your field. Example: website A is a web about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You just need to get links from sites talking about digital marketing is enough to have a positive effect on your website.
All above is the Mindset (thoughts) part you need to know before using this method.
The next part will be the practice. It greatly affects the quality of the backlink you will receive. Not every article you see on the site, you jump into comment immediately on that article. We need to work effectively and intelligently.
Here are several tips that I came up with, to help people choose the best articles on that blog.
# 1: Use Buzzsumo to filter out the posts with the most social media interactions
Firstly, you visit the homepage of Buzzsumo.
Next, you enter the exact domain blog you are going to comment on and press enter or click on the Go!

The most shared articles will appear, for instance, I take the Vietmoz website as an example!
As you can see, it will correctly display the post name, the date posted, the poster, and the number of shares shared on FB, Twitter, Pinterest, G + correctly.
# 2: Use Ahrefs to find the most backlink article on the blog
First, you visit the Ahrefs homepage. And enter the domain and press enter.

Next, look down the bottom on the left corner of the screen, find the Best By Links section and click.

The articles with the most backlinks will appear:

The next is one small tip.
# 3: Use Moz to filter out the articles with the highest PA
You access Moz’s Open Site Explore tool with this link.
And of course enter the domain and press enter, then find the Top Page section on the left side of the screen and click.

You should register an accounṭ (free) to display more.

Because it’s a free account, therefore, it has several limitations, but still quite ok.
So with just a few extremely simple tips, you can find out which articles are worth commenting and get the best quality.
However, these articles are quite hot, so there will be quite a lot of readers’ comments. So the ability to link out will be pretty large. In return, these articles attract a lot of traffic and high interaction. Of course, it is still extremely high quality.
Every day you should set KPI for yourself, maybe 5 comments a day. Or 10, 20, 30 even more than that if you can be affordable.
However, instead of targeting quantity, you should care about the quality of your comments. 5 good, attentive and persuasive comments will get higher approval rates, compared with 10 superficial comments. It ain’t a race about the quantity, right?
All above guides are experienced from eFox Solution and gathered from many sources. We hope that you can have more knowledge about the quality link and this will help your work. Hope everyone will be successful, see you in the next articles.
Don’t forget to share this useful information with another person!
If you wish to hire reliable external SEO services, contact us right away at eFox Solution.
More resources:
What’s the meta title tag? How to create an effective title tag in SEO?